WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Total points: 658,966
Points average: 117.3
Guess average: 4.9
Time average: 22.3s
Max daily streak: 17
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 127
Current winning streak: 18
Report Player
Word Points Guesses Time
TOXIC 27.4 6 68.0s
SHOCK 68.6 5 23.8s
MACRO 179.3 3 17.8s
SIXTH 109.2 4 20.0s
QUIET 180.6 3 17.6s
GIRLY 204.1 3 14.6s
VAULT 176.7 3 18.2s
CROCK 84 4 30.6s
INLET 522.4 2 7.9s
SPLIT 178.6 3 17.9s
SCRUB 108.2 4 20.3s
AMISS 83.3 4 31.0s
SCALE 102.8 4 22.1s
BUNNY 65.2 5 26.0s
SHOAL 423.3 2 10.6s
WHELP 68 4 42.6s
SPICY 52.8 5 37.1s
QUALM 78.1 4 34.3s
POLKA 82.8 4 31.3s
DAUNT 146.9 3 24.0s
BUGLE 29.1 6 61.5s
GLOOM 29.5 6 60.0s
RENEW 93 4 26.0s
DUTCH 164.9 3 20.2s
SHAKE 17.9 8 46.9s
SUEDE 182.7 3 17.3s
BOWEL 96.7 4 24.4s
APHID 201.4 3 14.9s
CLOAK 195.5 3 15.6s
FORTY 85.4 4 29.8s
PRANK 34.4 6 46.2s
KNEED 26.8 6 70.5s
SHOOK 15.5 8 61.3s
CRUDE 121.8 4 16.7s
GRAFT 187 3 16.7s
RASPY 70.8 4 40.0s
CRISP 205 3 14.5s
RUPEE 108.9 4 20.1s
GREEK 112 4 19.2s
ALIKE 65.5 5 25.8s
KNACK 126.4 4 15.7s
STING 104.2 4 21.6s
SPURT 180.6 3 17.6s
JEWEL 64.3 5 26.6s
SNIFF 70.5 4 40.3s
BLURT 42.5 5 53.1s
BULGE 64.2 4 46.6s
COLON 89.6 4 27.6s
GUESS 15.6 7 92.5s
CLOWN 92.1 4 26.4s
CHIDE 27.1 6 69.3s
AMPLY 91.4 4 26.7s
CHASM 163.3 3 20.5s
DITCH 84.8 4 30.1s
EPOXY 85.4 4 29.8s
RADII 96 4 24.7s
FORTY 85.7 3 51.9s
URINE 26 6 74.5s
FOCUS 145.2 3 24.4s
HARPY 69.5 4 41.2s
BLINK 145.6 3 24.3s
LIVID 111.3 4 19.4s
FROCK 52 5 38.1s
STILL 95.5 4 24.9s
METER 42 6 32.6s
STAIN 384.4 2 12.1s
STEEP 252.1 3 10.5s
PESTO 107.6 4 20.5s
GRADE 531.9 2 7.7s
SPIKY 103 4 22.0s
FLOOR 96.2 4 24.6s
SOLAR 99.2 4 23.4s
NUTTY 96.2 4 24.6s
STUFF 64.9 5 26.2s
DRIVE 239.3 3 11.4s
CHEAP 124.5 4 16.1s
BOOTY 109.6 4 19.9s
GRAIL 202.3 3 14.8s
BLUFF 100.5 4 22.9s
STOCK 42.9 6 31.4s
NAIVE 108.2 4 20.3s
OUTGO 118 4 17.6s
HAVOC 103 4 22.0s
BURST 107.9 4 20.4s
VIDEO 113 4 18.9s
SENSE 97.2 4 24.2s
KINKY 81 4 32.4s
HELLO 55.4 5 34.2s
ETHER 140.9 3 25.5s
TAPER 26.9 4 166.1s
MEDIA 366.7 2 12.9s
WRATH 64.2 4 46.6s
OVERT 106.4 3 38.3s
DEVIL 125.2 3 30.3s
SALTY 151.1 3 23.0s
EJECT 50.7 5 39.7s
TIDAL 78.3 4 34.2s
AEGIS 171.1 3 19.1s
SHARK 95 4 25.1s
GIDDY 78.6 4 34.0s