WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Total points: 422,670
Points average: 348.5
Guess average: 3.8
Time average: 5.6s
Max daily streak: 5
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 626
Current winning streak: 15
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Word Points Guesses Time
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DRAFT 571.8 3 2.7s Replay
PUSHY 157.5 5 5.4s Replay
HYDRO 597.7 3 2.5s Replay
BLINK 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
CHANT 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
DEATH 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
MURKY 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
STOKE 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
CRUSH 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
NOBLE 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
FORCE 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
SNIPE 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
SCALD 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
KNOLL 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
HOMER 93.6 6 7.6s Replay
INDEX 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
QUOTE 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
DETOX 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
SNUFF 127.9 5 7.9s Replay
STALE 82.1 6 9.7s Replay
BONEY 223.4 4 5.9s Replay
BUXOM 223.4 4 5.9s Replay
STORE 223.4 4 5.9s Replay
CLANK 225.6 4 5.8s Replay
WOOLY 225.6 4 5.8s Replay
BRAWL 129.7 5 7.7s Replay
BOXER 448 3 4.1s Replay
GROSS 82.5 6 9.6s Replay
NURSE 223.4 4 5.9s Replay
CHARM 448 3 4.1s Replay
GUMMY 130.7 5 7.6s Replay
THUMP 225.6 4 5.8s Replay
QUOTE 448 3 4.1s Replay
DERBY 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
DEMON 225.6 4 5.8s Replay
CLEFT 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
FATTY 223.4 4 5.9s Replay
GOUGE 130.7 5 7.6s Replay
LINGO 130.7 5 7.6s Replay
TRUSS 83 6 9.5s Replay
WORKS 83.5 6 9.4s Replay
GRAIN 225.6 4 5.8s Replay
MACAW 227.8 4 5.7s Replay
ANTIC 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
COCOA 225.6 4 5.8s Replay
TOAST 227.8 4 5.7s Replay
WIMPY 48.9 7 11.4s Replay
DREAM 227.8 4 5.7s Replay
PIECE 129.7 5 7.7s Replay
PATTY 131.6 5 7.5s Replay
ADOBE 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
JERKY 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
ERODE 132.6 5 7.4s Replay
GAILY 131.6 5 7.5s Replay
AMITY 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
PUDGY 132.6 5 7.4s Replay
ARDOR 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
BEGAT 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
CADDY 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
JUDGE 132.6 5 7.4s Replay
ENVOY 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
SEDAN 85 6 9.1s Replay
SHOWY 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
CANNY 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
ADOPT 461.4 3 3.9s Replay
WOVEN 84.5 6 9.2s Replay
MORON 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
PARTY 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
THESE 133.6 5 7.3s Replay
ALONE 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
GRAPH 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
SALVO 133.6 5 7.3s Replay
WAXEN 133.6 5 7.3s Replay
FLANK 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
GLOSS 133.6 5 7.3s Replay
WHIRL 133.6 5 7.3s Replay
WRING 85.5 6 9.0s Replay
ROBOT 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
FLUNG 133.6 5 7.3s Replay
KHAKI 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
SKUNK 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
ISLET 134.6 5 7.2s Replay
FRAME 134.6 5 7.2s Replay
EMCEE 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
GLADE 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
CEASE 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
ASHEN 133.6 5 7.3s Replay
KNOLL 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
PUSHY 134.6 5 7.2s Replay
FOLLY 232.4 4 5.5s Replay
HINGE 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
UNFED 86.5 6 8.8s Replay
MIGHT 232.4 4 5.5s Replay
GLARE 135.7 5 7.1s Replay
SWUNG 135.7 5 7.1s Replay
THING 232.4 4 5.5s Replay
CABBY 461.4 3 3.9s Replay
GROUT 234.8 4 5.4s Replay
CRUDE 461.4 3 3.9s Replay
TYING 135.7 5 7.1s Replay