WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Total points: 422,670
Points average: 348.5
Guess average: 3.8
Time average: 5.6s
Max daily streak: 5
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 626
Current winning streak: 15
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Word Points Guesses Time
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RATTY 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
GUAVA 154.4 5 5.6s Replay
GROVE 154.4 5 5.6s Replay
EBONY 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
TOWEL 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
SWOON 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
AFIRE 1,446.1 2 1.7s Replay
RULER 97.1 6 7.1s Replay
JUMBO 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
BAWDY 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
PRUDE 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
BLISS 154.4 5 5.6s Replay
CLAMP 154.4 5 5.6s Replay
STILL 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
TRIED 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
NEWER 97.8 6 7.0s Replay
ALPHA 274 4 4.1s Replay
SALVO 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
CRIME 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
FLARE 266.8 4 4.3s Replay
ABOUT 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
CREME 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
GHOST 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
CRACK 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
ELFIN 248 4 4.9s Replay
MINUS 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
PULSE 248 4 4.9s Replay
DUTCH 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
UNION 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
BROOM 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
TAKEN 285.8 4 3.8s Replay
GOLLY 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
PILOT 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
RODEO 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
SAPPY 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
DANDY 285.8 4 3.8s Replay
SNORE 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
ADOPT 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
ITCHY 571.8 3 2.7s Replay
SUNNY 92.3 6 7.8s Replay
ABOUT 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
BOAST 1,195.3 2 2.3s Replay
REBEL 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
ROACH 584.4 3 2.6s Replay
VIXEN 91.7 6 7.9s Replay
VIGOR 159.1 5 5.3s Replay
THEIR 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
PITCH 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
FUNNY 159.1 5 5.3s Replay
LUCKY 248 4 4.9s Replay
ARMED 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
OMEGA 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
SEIZE 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
FORTH 1,163.2 2 2.4s Replay
OLDEN 1,195.3 2 2.3s Replay
LIKEN 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
TRAIN 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
LEMON 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
ULCER 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
STAIR 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
ALLAY 584.4 3 2.6s Replay
COUNT 245.2 4 5.0s Replay
CRISP 248 4 4.9s Replay
RUMBA 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
FROTH 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
DYING 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
ABASE 1,163.2 2 2.4s Replay
SHOAL 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
CONDO 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
PERKY 248 4 4.9s Replay
LLAMA 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
SCRUM 248 4 4.9s Replay
LEMON 483.6 3 3.6s Replay
DEVIL 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
SMOKE 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
TWEET 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
SANDY 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
MANIA 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
BLOND 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
MASSE 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
TRAIT 248 4 4.9s Replay
STUDY 571.8 3 2.7s Replay
KNEED 142.4 5 6.5s Replay
CRISP 248 4 4.9s Replay
ARDOR 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
CANNY 245.2 4 5.0s Replay
QUALM 248 4 4.9s Replay
HORDE 143.6 5 6.4s Replay
HEADY 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
CHILL 143.6 5 6.4s Replay
PRIVY 142.4 5 6.5s Replay
HASTY 143.6 5 6.4s Replay
FRITZ 1,266.4 2 2.1s Replay
AMITY 1,266.4 2 2.1s Replay
REVEL 90.5 6 8.1s Replay
DIODE 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
TWINE 248 4 4.9s Replay
PATIO 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
MOIST 91.7 6 7.9s Replay
STOCK 248 4 4.9s Replay