WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Total points: 422,670
Points average: 348.5
Guess average: 3.8
Time average: 5.6s
Max daily streak: 5
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 626
Current winning streak: 15
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Word Points Guesses Time
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TUBER 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
VAULT 143.6 5 6.4s Replay
COAST 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
STOLE 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
HUMID 248 4 4.9s Replay
NEIGH 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
DAUNT 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
PENAL 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
SMELT 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
EASEL 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
SPORE 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
LEASH 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
DREAD 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
TABBY 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
CRUSH 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
GAUGE 91.7 6 7.9s Replay
STONE 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
STRAW 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
GAMUT 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
FILMY 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
ADAGE 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
SCALE 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
ELECT 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
CROWN 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
BRASS 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
BLEEP 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
AMONG 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
HALVE 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
SLANG 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
ROWDY 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
ELBOW 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
STOCK 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
HUMUS 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
DOWEL 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
WAGON 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
BUDGE 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
SCENT 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
DOLLY 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
GUARD 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
PHONE 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
GROPE 93.6 6 7.6s Replay
CASTE 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
GLEAM 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
FOAMY 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
TORSO 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
BASIN 147.4 5 6.1s Replay
ZEBRA 147.4 5 6.1s Replay
UPSET 147.4 5 6.1s Replay
PULPY 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
CUBAN 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
CHORE 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
MOURN 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
YIELD 146.1 5 6.2s Replay
WINCH 9.3 7 223.0s Replay
STOIC 197.9 4 7.3s Replay
GHOUL 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
FLASH 245.2 4 5.0s Replay
AGILE 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
FUGUE 248 4 4.9s Replay
MINTY 142.4 5 6.5s Replay
SWORN 142.4 5 6.5s Replay
SLOOP 142.4 5 6.5s Replay
CRIER 248 4 4.9s Replay
ABACK 1,229.6 2 2.2s Replay
PRINT 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
WHERE 143.6 5 6.4s Replay
RATTY 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
COYLY 143.6 5 6.4s Replay
HAUTE 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
TACKY 248 4 4.9s Replay
FLOOD 245.2 4 5.0s Replay
ADOBE 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
DOLLY 248 4 4.9s Replay
ONSET 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
TURBO 248 4 4.9s Replay
AISLE 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
DAILY 248 4 4.9s Replay
VIRUS 248 4 4.9s Replay
VERSO 248 4 4.9s Replay
POISE 248 4 4.9s Replay
EMPTY 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
SMART 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
SYNOD 248 4 4.9s Replay
DICEY 248 4 4.9s Replay
SWAMI 248 4 4.9s Replay
GRASS 143.6 5 6.4s Replay
FIXER 91.7 6 7.9s Replay
CHART 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
SPLAT 248 4 4.9s Replay
PETAL 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
ALOOF 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
UNFIT 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
LUCID 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
SHINE 248 4 4.9s Replay
DETER 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
CRIED 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
NERVE 248 4 4.9s Replay
WHALE 144.8 5 6.3s Replay
HYENA 491.7 3 3.5s Replay
KNEAD 144.8 5 6.3s Replay