WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Total points: 422,670
Points average: 348.5
Guess average: 3.8
Time average: 5.6s
Max daily streak: 5
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 626
Current winning streak: 15
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Word Points Guesses Time
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STEER 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
BOXER 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
BEECH 1,195.3 2 2.3s Replay
KNOLL 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
MOTIF 500.1 3 3.4s Replay
BILLY 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
SLAIN 253.9 4 4.7s Replay
VOICE 250.9 4 4.8s Replay
ALLOY 260.1 4 4.5s Replay
JETTY 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
KEBAB 263.4 4 4.4s Replay
REBUS 260.1 4 4.5s Replay
FAINT 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
BEGUN 263.4 4 4.4s Replay
CHAFF 263.4 4 4.4s Replay
STUMP 263.4 4 4.4s Replay
MISER 54.5 7 9.3s Replay
ROOMY 150.1 5 5.9s Replay
THIEF 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
BLANK 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
INDEX 148.7 5 6.0s Replay
BETEL 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
OWNER 150.1 5 5.9s Replay
STUFF 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
WOKEN 263.4 4 4.4s Replay
LIEGE 150.1 5 5.9s Replay
BEGET 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
RECAP 266.8 4 4.3s Replay
LEERY 150.1 5 5.9s Replay
TYING 148.7 5 6.0s Replay
GOOSE 94.3 6 7.5s Replay
CROOK 266.8 4 4.3s Replay
LITHE 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
CYBER 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
BEGUN 266.8 4 4.3s Replay
ROAST 1,562.7 2 1.5s Replay
REACH 266.8 4 4.3s Replay
PUREE 266.8 4 4.3s Replay
EXCEL 266.8 4 4.3s Replay
WISPY 94.9 6 7.4s Replay
BURLY 548.7 3 2.9s Replay
PIQUE 94.9 6 7.4s Replay
MONEY 151.5 5 5.8s Replay
GLOOM 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
PINKY 95.6 6 7.3s Replay
SKIFF 151.5 5 5.8s Replay
PURGE 152.9 5 5.7s Replay
WOOLY 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
SWIFT 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
QUEEN 152.9 5 5.7s Replay
ROVER 56.1 7 8.8s Replay
CHAFF 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
LOUSY 152.9 5 5.7s Replay
VICAR 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
BROWN 152.9 5 5.7s Replay
TESTY 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
BETEL 559.9 3 2.8s Replay
CRAVE 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
SYNOD 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
SIXTH 154.4 5 5.6s Replay
CRICK 559.9 3 2.8s Replay
UNMET 154.4 5 5.6s Replay
CHIEF 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
EDIFY 270.3 4 4.2s Replay
WOKEN 266.8 4 4.3s Replay
CONCH 274 4 4.1s Replay
TRACT 559.9 3 2.8s Replay
PARTY 559.9 3 2.8s Replay
STILT 97.1 6 7.1s Replay
KARMA 154.4 5 5.6s Replay
TIDAL 274 4 4.1s Replay
SPOON 56.8 7 8.6s Replay
HEATH 274 4 4.1s Replay
ILIAC 274 4 4.1s Replay
TITLE 274 4 4.1s Replay
MILKY 155.9 5 5.5s Replay
FRAME 155.9 5 5.5s Replay
CHIRP 559.9 3 2.8s Replay
SWORD 155.9 5 5.5s Replay
SPEAK 97.8 6 7.0s Replay
HAVEN 274 4 4.1s Replay
SWATH 559.9 3 2.8s Replay
JOLLY 57.1 7 8.5s Replay
AVERT 274 4 4.1s Replay
READY 274 4 4.1s Replay
USUAL 155.9 5 5.5s Replay
CROSS 157.5 5 5.4s Replay
MORPH 157.5 5 5.4s Replay
CARRY 559.9 3 2.8s Replay
FRONT 559.9 3 2.8s Replay
TOWEL 274 4 4.1s Replay
GIRTH 559.9 3 2.8s Replay
SWORD 157.5 5 5.4s Replay
SLING 157.5 5 5.4s Replay
RAPID 274 4 4.1s Replay
LANKY 155.9 5 5.5s Replay
AEGIS 571.8 3 2.7s Replay
ANNUL 157.5 5 5.4s Replay
SLATE 157.5 5 5.4s Replay
CHOSE 274 4 4.1s Replay