WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Total points: 277,136
Points average: 96.1
Guess average: 5.1
Time average: 31.4s
Max daily streak: 12
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 72
Current winning streak: 72
Report Player
Word Points Guesses Time
DOUSE 183.8 4 8.3s
LAYER 78.6 5 18.8s
FAVOR 93.4 5 13.9s
TRUCE 206.1 4 6.8s
STAMP 165 4 10.0s
SULKY 102.9 5 11.7s
NYMPH 90.1 5 14.8s
GAZER 20.5 8 36.6s
SIEVE 49.9 6 24.0s
ALONG 74.4 5 20.7s
PLUNK 127 5 8.0s
CROWD 122.9 5 8.5s
PIANO 70.9 5 22.5s
DUMMY 158.6 4 10.7s
CHORE 206.1 4 6.8s
STOOP 83.8 5 16.8s
DOING 174.3 4 9.1s
MEDIA 183.8 4 8.3s
JUMPY 83.8 5 16.8s
SNIPE 308.5 3 7.6s
FRAME 204.4 4 6.9s
HEAVY 108.1 5 10.7s
OLDER 123.7 5 8.4s
ITCHY 47 6 26.7s
HOARD 209.6 4 6.6s
RUPEE 77.8 6 10.7s
SMILE 191.9 4 7.7s
MAFIA 80.1 5 18.2s
BEARD 333.4 3 6.7s
GUMBO 99.6 5 12.4s
GHOUL 89.4 5 15.0s
STEED 57.6 5 32.1s
QUERY 28.4 7 31.5s
WAVER 94.5 5 13.6s
TONGA 90.5 5 14.7s
CYBER 72 5 21.9s
MUMMY 113.6 5 9.8s
ADEPT 85.9 5 16.1s
AMEND 55.9 5 33.7s
ADMIN 95 4 25.1s
TAWNY 43.5 6 30.6s
AWFUL 74.2 5 20.8s
SLASH 109.3 5 10.5s
BLUSH 163.1 4 10.2s
EASEL 13.2 8 81.8s
STAIR 215.2 4 6.3s
CUBAN 143.4 4 12.7s
BLUFF 111.1 5 10.2s
VALUE 96.5 5 13.1s
TURBO 193.4 4 7.6s
SLOTH 156.9 4 10.9s
LADLE 43.6 6 30.5s
BAYOU 91.5 5 14.4s
SOAPY 97 5 13.0s
ADMIT 106.6 4 20.8s
JOIST 26.7 7 35.3s
BEFIT 69.3 5 23.4s
STING 47 6 26.7s
ALPHA 89.1 5 15.1s
TABLE 91.2 5 14.5s
SNACK 552.3 2 7.3s
AGILE 96.1 5 13.2s
TITLE 6.1 11 116.1s
CRAMP 196.4 4 7.4s
GOLLY 122.1 5 8.6s
TARDY 166 4 9.9s
SLICE 97 5 13.0s
MONEY 201.1 4 7.1s
VILLA 5.7 13 72.0s
RAPID 173.2 4 9.2s
GRATE 97 5 13.0s
READY 327.4 3 6.9s
DRANK 327.4 3 6.9s
FLEET 63.9 5 26.9s
EXTRA 16.2 7 86.4s
PLAIT 114.9 5 9.6s
AMAZE 74.2 5 20.8s
SHYLY 102.9 5 11.7s
SHARK 360.2 3 5.9s
WAVER 51.7 6 22.5s
ASSET 40.6 6 34.6s
UNDER 156.9 4 10.9s
LUSTY 75.9 6 11.2s
BERTH 183.8 4 8.3s
SHEAF 100.5 5 12.2s
BELIE 40.6 6 34.6s
REPAY 60.1 6 17.2s
GROOM 108.7 5 10.6s
AMISH 187.8 4 8.0s
OLDER 19.9 8 38.5s
GLORY 122.1 5 8.6s
GUILD 122.1 5 8.6s
OFFAL 43.9 6 30.2s
FROZE 21.7 7 51.5s
RISER 26.5 7 35.7s
SLEEK 111.1 5 10.2s
SNIFF 21.8 6 99.3s
CHEAP 186.4 4 8.1s
STILL 178.9 4 8.7s
COUCH 39.1 7 17.4s