WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Total points: 94,246.1
Points average: 126.2
Guess average: 4.4
Time average: 34.3s
Max daily streak: 16
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 181
Current winning streak: 181
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Word Points Guesses Time
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CLANG 248 4 4.9s Replay
AGONY 227.8 4 5.7s Replay
PRANK 91.5 5 14.4s Replay
SAUTE 173.2 4 9.2s Replay
SLURP 413 3 4.7s Replay
GOLLY 217.2 4 6.2s Replay
SOUND 120.3 3 32.1s Replay
QUEST 97.4 5 12.9s Replay
LOUSY 185.1 4 8.2s Replay
SEWER 108.6 4 20.2s Replay
SLICK 423.9 3 4.5s Replay
WORDY 82.2 5 17.4s Replay
STEEL 423.9 3 4.5s Replay
CRUST 287.9 3 8.5s Replay
BESET 170 4 9.5s Replay
CRAZY 100.5 4 22.9s Replay
SPOON 211.5 4 6.5s Replay
FLINT 393.3 3 5.1s Replay
ADORE 547 2 7.4s Replay
COLON 407.9 3 4.8s Replay
FIFTY 88.8 5 15.2s Replay
WHOSE 69.5 5 23.3s Replay
ANGRY 123.2 4 16.4s Replay
CAIRN 441.6 3 4.2s Replay
MOTTO 78.4 5 18.9s Replay
ODDER 120.1 4 17.1s Replay
QUILL 182.6 4 8.4s Replay
SNIPE 171.1 4 9.4s Replay
PANEL 98.9 4 23.5s Replay
BENCH 86.8 4 29.0s Replay
RISEN 116.8 4 17.9s Replay
MINCE 244.8 3 11.0s Replay
TEPID 151.3 4 11.6s Replay
JOIST 120.5 5 8.8s Replay
APPLY 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
KAYAK 201.1 4 7.1s Replay
WORTH 231.6 3 12.0s Replay
GLINT 221.3 4 6.0s Replay
SHAWL 185.1 4 8.2s Replay
BLAST 423.9 3 4.5s Replay
SHOOT 367.8 3 5.7s Replay
HATER 375.8 3 5.5s Replay
BLUFF 83 5 17.1s Replay
FEMME 182.6 4 8.4s Replay
CABLE 220 3 13.0s Replay
CLINK 167 4 9.8s Replay
HUSSY 60.8 6 16.8s Replay
ROVER 168 4 9.7s Replay
ABORT 191.9 4 7.7s Replay
FEAST 185.1 4 8.2s Replay
FREER 88.8 5 15.2s Replay
SMITE 193.1 3 15.9s Replay
JOINT 227.8 4 5.7s Replay
SAINT 454.5 3 4.0s Replay
DUMPY 162.2 4 10.3s Replay
PURER 152.1 4 11.5s Replay
BRUTE 185.1 4 8.2s Replay
DEPTH 59.4 5 30.4s Replay
BASIN 76.5 5 19.7s Replay
PULSE 237.3 4 5.3s Replay
TRACT 230.4 3 12.1s Replay
BRAND 183.8 4 8.3s Replay
HUSSY 63.2 6 15.7s Replay
STEAD 423.9 3 4.5s Replay
STOVE 162.2 4 10.3s Replay
DINGO 191.9 4 7.7s Replay
ANNOY 100.5 5 12.2s Replay
CREED 100.5 5 12.2s Replay
MOUNT 191.9 4 7.7s Replay
DITTY 68.3 6 13.6s Replay
ORBIT 283.7 3 8.7s Replay
CHASM 186.4 4 8.1s Replay
ORBIT 89.2 4 27.8s Replay
BOUGH 245.2 4 5.0s Replay
MARSH 177.7 4 8.8s Replay
FLASK 104.4 5 11.4s Replay
SAUTE 618.8 2 6.2s Replay
AMBLE 128.4 4 15.3s Replay
TOUCH 266.8 4 4.3s Replay
SUING 91.6 4 26.6s Replay
GAWKY 97.8 5 12.8s Replay
WOUND 68.1 6 13.7s Replay
BLINK 234.8 4 5.4s Replay
VENUE 71.1 5 22.4s Replay
SCORN 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
PUTTY 234.8 4 5.4s Replay
CLONE 190.5 4 7.8s Replay
SPRAY 116 4 18.1s Replay
LEGAL 79.8 5 18.3s Replay
SLEET 833.3 2 4.0s Replay
QUILL 176.6 4 8.9s Replay
ROUND 230.1 4 5.6s Replay
SNIDE 360.2 3 5.9s Replay
CHART 194.9 4 7.5s Replay
BUNNY 124.5 4 16.1s Replay
RUGBY 76.2 4 35.7s Replay
SPIKE 206.1 4 6.8s Replay
TENTH 199.5 4 7.2s Replay
CREEP 333.4 3 6.7s Replay
CRUDE 104.8 4 21.4s Replay