WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Upcoming features: speedruns, achievements, and custom colors.

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Total points: 8,749.1
Points average: 143.4
Guess average: 7.1
Time average: 481.2s
Max daily streak: 2
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 3
Current winning streak: 0
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Word Points Guesses Time
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CIRCA 5.9 10 169.9s Replay
CLICK 27.6 6 67.4s Replay
VYING 10.9 8 114.8s Replay
PROVE 14.5 8 69.5s Replay
BENDY 17 8 51.9s Replay
RECAP 18.9 7 65.8s Replay
SCREE 9.3 8 154.0s Replay
SURLY 32.2 4 128.8s Replay
FEIGN 4.6 11 198.6s Replay
OUTER 11 9 77.6s Replay
TABLE 3,871.1 1 1.4s Replay
DOING 11.6 8 104.0s Replay
EIGHT 18.7 9 28.7s Replay
INGOT 36.8 6 41.1s Replay
MOOSE 28.6 7 31.1s Replay
MAYOR 19.7 8 39.5s Replay
SHADY 26.3 8 22.9s Replay
TABLE 3,329.1 1 1.7s Replay
SMITE 74.4 5 20.7s Replay
SHOWN 62.7 6 15.9s Replay
AVERT 3.5 14 142.6s Replay
FROND 48.3 6 25.4s Replay
PAYEE 11.5 9 71.5s Replay
LOBBY 26 7 37.0s Replay
TIRED 53.1 6 21.5s Replay
FAULT 48.9 6 24.9s Replay
REBUT 18.9 7 65.8s Replay
CLOSE 88.8 5 15.2s Replay
POSSE 32.4 7 24.7s Replay
EXTOL 3.6 12 235.6s Replay
TRASH 31.7 6 53.1s Replay
COURT 21.7 7 51.2s Replay
WRUNG 0.4 6 22502.0s Replay
ISLET 22.7 7 47.3s Replay
BOAST 26 7 37.1s Replay
ALONG 47.6 6 26.1s Replay
DOGMA 11.4 8 106.6s Replay
RUMOR 25.8 7 37.5s Replay
ALBUM 15.7 8 60.1s Replay
DUTCH 24.6 7 40.9s Replay
WELCH 29.1 6 61.6s Replay
STEED 6.1 11 116.7s Replay
MURKY 37.8 6 39.1s Replay
SPOOK 17.6 7 74.6s Replay
JUMBO 19.6 7 61.5s Replay
THUMP 39.2 6 36.7s Replay
BRIEF 13.3 8 80.4s Replay
CLOWN 58.2 5 31.5s Replay
WRATH 77.5 4 34.7s Replay
PANIC 96 4 24.7s Replay
PAPAL 1.2 10 2533.6s Replay
TEPID 15.7 7 90.8s Replay
FUNGI 8.9 8 165.6s Replay
PHOTO 32.7 6 50.4s Replay
BROAD 16 7 88.5s Replay
UNSET 20.6 6 109.2s Replay
CROOK 13.5 7 119.1s Replay
PITHY 27.9 5 103.5s Replay
ARMOR 5.1 12 120.3s Replay
SORRY 15.9 7 89.0s Replay
CYCLE 3.7 11 291.8s Replay