WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Upcoming features: speedruns, achievements, and custom colors.

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Total points: 7,413.2
Points average: 157.7
Guess average: 4.0
Time average: 18.9s
Max daily streak: 1
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 23
Current winning streak: 23
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Word Points Guesses Time
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BLINK 114.5 4 18.5s Replay
LEVEL 65.3 5 25.9s Replay
PIPER 155.7 3 22.0s Replay
BITTY 120.1 4 17.1s Replay
GLEAN 88.8 5 15.2s Replay
MAGIC 80.9 5 17.9s Replay
LOAMY 118.8 4 17.4s Replay
IRATE 283.7 3 8.7s Replay
SPEAK 172.1 4 9.3s Replay
LAPSE 176.6 4 8.9s Replay
TRIBE 197.9 4 7.3s Replay
STEAD 66.2 6 14.4s Replay
BEECH 56.4 6 19.3s Replay
GLOVE 181.3 4 8.5s Replay
BRINE 175.4 4 9.0s Replay
BELCH 90.8 5 14.6s Replay
GORGE 95.5 4 24.9s Replay
SPOKE 120.1 3 32.2s Replay
PINKY 213.7 3 13.6s Replay
STACK 51.4 6 22.8s Replay
LEAST 279.7 3 8.9s Replay
PRICE 380 3 5.4s Replay
LIGHT 93.7 5 13.8s Replay
TRUCE 229.2 3 12.2s Replay
RUSTY 110.7 3 36.2s Replay
SLANT 153.4 3 22.5s Replay
ORATE 193.1 3 15.9s Replay
CROWD 242 3 11.2s Replay
STARK 228 3 12.3s Replay
STRAW 152.1 4 11.5s Replay
BORNE 184.1 3 17.1s Replay
JUDGE 10.8 8 118.2s Replay
MYRRH 197.9 4 7.3s Replay
SPEND 272.1 3 9.3s Replay
PANSY 306.1 3 7.7s Replay
SCOLD 341.6 2 14.2s Replay
VIVID 60.7 4 50.8s Replay
TRIED 115.7 4 18.2s Replay
LUCKY 252.1 3 10.5s Replay
SQUIB 66.4 4 44.2s Replay
TENSE 255.2 3 10.3s Replay
NAVAL 46.4 6 27.3s Replay
FUNKY 89.8 5 14.9s Replay
FRONT 110.2 4 19.7s Replay
RIPER 147.6 4 12.1s Replay
THROB 163.1 4 10.2s Replay
ANODE 106.3 4 20.9s Replay