WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Total points: 96,260
Points average: 86.8
Guess average: 6.0
Time average: 49.4s
Max daily streak: 9
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 40
Current winning streak: 4
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Word Points Guesses Time
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USING 224.5 3 12.6s Replay
FILET 379.8 2 12.3s Replay
SHEAF 10.2 10 62.3s Replay
ENSUE 118.8 4 17.4s Replay
FIRST 57 4 55.8s Replay
FLING 117.2 4 17.8s Replay
STAND 236.7 3 11.6s Replay
NANNY 138.9 4 13.4s Replay
GAWKY 54.7 5 35.0s Replay
PLANE 5.8 11 129.3s Replay
APPLY 28 6 65.5s Replay
FUGUE 9.8 10 66.8s Replay
EVICT 41.8 5 54.6s Replay
COACH 218.9 3 13.1s Replay
DOUGH 7.2 12 63.2s Replay
TOAST 5.8 9 245.3s Replay
SPOIL 142.5 3 25.1s Replay
PATSY 216.2 2 25.9s Replay
EAGLE 4.1 14 102.8s Replay
WELCH 2.6 15 194.1s Replay
ASSAY 252.1 3 10.5s Replay
PANSY 6.2 13 62.8s Replay
NINJA 4 15 85.9s Replay
HALVE 3.4 16 91.3s Replay
STILL 104.8 3 39.1s Replay
DROOP 154.8 3 22.2s Replay
BLINK 3.7 12 222.7s Replay
ARISE 29.7 4 144.2s Replay
FEMUR 82.1 4 31.7s Replay
THIEF 34.5 7 22.0s Replay
PASTY 10.1 9 90.5s Replay
SMASH 84.8 4 30.1s Replay
SLAVE 20.6 7 56.5s Replay
ASHEN 282.4 2 18.3s Replay
PINKY 91.6 4 26.6s Replay
SNAKE 210.7 3 13.9s Replay
WIDER 6.3 10 153.3s Replay
SORRY 38.6 4 99.3s Replay
ANNOY 3.2 8 894.4s Replay
TOPIC 3.6 14 131.2s Replay
PLUSH 12 8 97.4s Replay
OPIUM 1.6 17 300.9s Replay
THEFT 3 15 144.2s Replay
ITCHY 3.7 13 165.8s Replay
WAVER 4.1 13 134.9s Replay
BRINE 2.6 12 421.6s Replay
TEDDY 214.7 3 13.5s Replay
CLEAN 28.3 7 31.6s Replay
PRIME 140.2 4 13.2s Replay
GRIME 16.5 8 54.4s Replay
CRIER 65.6 5 25.7s Replay
WOULD 9.7 8 140.6s Replay
PERCH 18.5 7 68.1s Replay
BYLAW 16.9 7 80.2s Replay
ULTRA 18.6 6 129.0s Replay
KNELT 110.3 3 36.4s Replay
DROOL 107.6 4 20.5s Replay
TRAWL 76.6 4 35.4s Replay
SLIME 9.6 8 144.3s Replay
FAVOR 103.6 4 21.8s Replay
FOUND 6.7 10 136.9s Replay
SMART 7.9 10 99.5s Replay
STALE 174.8 3 18.5s Replay
SAPPY 168.2 3 19.6s Replay
FLIRT 187.7 3 16.6s Replay
AMISS 124.1 4 16.2s Replay
PINKY 106 4 21.0s Replay
PIECE 42.6 5 53.0s Replay
SNEAK 102.2 4 22.3s Replay
HUSKY 137.3 3 26.5s Replay
GROUP 6.2 10 156.7s Replay
SHOWY 121 4 16.9s Replay
COLOR 61.4 4 49.9s Replay
MANIC 231.6 3 12.0s Replay
HOWDY 90.6 4 27.1s Replay
SMASH 159.1 3 21.3s Replay
SIEVE 110.2 4 19.7s Replay
APING 18 7 71.9s Replay
SCRUB 172.3 3 18.9s Replay
PEACH 112.7 4 19.0s Replay
NEWLY 252.1 3 10.5s Replay
SHIRK 225.6 3 12.5s Replay
ROUTE 96.9 4 24.3s Replay
DRAIN 6.1 10 160.3s Replay
CRATE 618.8 2 6.2s Replay
SKUNK 2.8 15 168.4s Replay
KNIFE 87.8 4 28.5s Replay
POPPY 101.1 4 22.7s Replay
SPIEL 195.5 3 15.6s Replay
YIELD 8.4 8 181.1s Replay
OFFER 228 3 12.3s Replay
READY 160.2 3 21.1s Replay
HUNCH 9.3 9 104.7s Replay
CIVIC 112.3 4 19.1s Replay
FATTY 82.4 4 31.5s Replay
HAREM 8.3 7 267.8s Replay
SMELL 35.7 5 70.3s Replay
CAIRN 166.5 3 19.9s Replay
PIPER 107.9 4 20.4s Replay
AMISS 89.2 4 27.8s Replay