WordHoot is a word guessing game inspired by Wordle.

  • Enter any 5-letter word to guess.
  • Gray letters are not in the answer.
  • Yellow letters are in the in answer but in the wrong order.
  • Green letters are in the answer and in the correct order.
  • You have unlimited guesses.
    • Guess the word within 6 tries to keep your winning streak going.
  • Points are calculated from your number of guesses and time.
    • Each guess after 6 guesses will be penalized more.
  • Click "Time" in the stats box to hide timer and points (Casual Mode).

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Total points: 25,993.8
Points average: 158.5
Guess average: 4.3
Time average: 15.6s
Max daily streak: 1
Current daily streak:
Finish one game per day to keep it going!
Max winning streak: 126
Current winning streak: 126
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Word Points Guesses Time
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TOAST 402.9 3 4.9s Replay
GLARE 105.9 5 11.1s Replay
CHAMP 159.5 4 10.6s Replay
TRAIL 413 3 4.7s Replay
APPLY 181.3 4 8.5s Replay
VIOLA 287.9 3 8.5s Replay
TEDDY 180.1 4 8.6s Replay
STEEL 88.1 5 15.4s Replay
TROOP 227.8 4 5.7s Replay
SETUP 294.4 3 8.2s Replay
TRYST 106.3 4 20.9s Replay
CREPE 140.2 4 13.2s Replay
ALIEN 234.8 4 5.4s Replay
BARON 181.3 4 8.5s Replay
ARSON 747.8 2 4.7s Replay
RUPEE 116.8 4 17.9s Replay
WORST 283.7 3 8.7s Replay
BLOWN 116.2 5 9.4s Replay
BELLE 156.1 4 11.0s Replay
SCARF 97.8 5 12.8s Replay
SCION 213.3 4 6.4s Replay
POINT 104.4 5 11.4s Replay
UNFIT 131 4 14.8s Replay
BLOKE 191.9 4 7.7s Replay
NOISE 342.8 3 6.4s Replay
HITCH 186.4 4 8.1s Replay
CRASH 174.3 4 9.1s Replay
STAKE 294.4 3 8.2s Replay
SHEEN 171.1 4 9.4s Replay
URINE 339.6 3 6.5s Replay
ANIME 138.9 4 13.4s Replay
ANTIC 137.1 4 13.7s Replay
CHINA 118.3 5 9.1s Replay
OPERA 93 3 46.3s Replay
STASH 155.3 4 11.1s Replay
GROAN 166 4 9.9s Replay
RATIO 270.3 3 9.4s Replay
CHILD 95.3 5 13.4s Replay
BLOKE 186.4 4 8.1s Replay
CRUDE 146.9 4 12.2s Replay
LYNCH 223.4 4 5.9s Replay
SCRUM 187.8 4 8.0s Replay
TERSE 277.8 3 9.0s Replay
THANK 211.5 4 6.5s Replay
PURER 168 4 9.7s Replay
SINGE 117.6 4 17.7s Replay
CLAMP 152.1 4 11.5s Replay
SATIN 149.8 4 11.8s Replay
FULLY 206.1 4 6.8s Replay
SPEED 185.1 4 8.2s Replay
MANLY 96.1 5 13.2s Replay
ARMOR 79.6 5 18.4s Replay
CATCH 152.1 4 11.5s Replay
LINEN 89.8 5 14.9s Replay
CHAFF 97.4 5 12.9s Replay
SHALL 110.5 5 10.3s Replay
BROAD 182.6 4 8.4s Replay
BROOM 109.6 4 19.9s Replay
CLONE 193.4 4 7.6s Replay
LILAC 76.1 5 19.9s Replay
APPLE 371.8 3 5.6s Replay
GROSS 172.1 4 9.3s Replay
SCION 115.3 4 18.3s Replay
SEIZE 81.4 5 17.7s Replay
BIRCH 197.9 4 7.3s Replay
BRASH 201.1 4 7.1s Replay
PUSHY 175.4 4 9.0s Replay
STORE 504.4 2 8.3s Replay
CAUSE 321.7 3 7.1s Replay
BULKY 118.3 5 9.1s Replay
SETUP 161.7 3 20.8s Replay
CREPT 101.4 4 22.6s Replay
BLUFF 211.5 4 6.5s Replay
TEDDY 153.6 4 11.3s Replay
SPIKE 147.6 4 12.1s Replay
SCRUM 135.4 4 14.0s Replay
SPLIT 169 4 9.6s Replay
NERDY 167 4 9.8s Replay
SPITE 346.1 3 6.3s Replay
SHUNT 196.4 4 7.4s Replay
BRINE 166 4 9.9s Replay
STOCK 197.9 4 7.3s Replay
WINCE 164.1 4 10.1s Replay
ADORE 698.3 2 5.2s Replay
STRUT 290 3 8.4s Replay
ABODE 93 5 14.0s Replay
BANJO 72.2 5 21.8s Replay
BUILT 105.7 4 21.1s Replay
TACIT 154.4 4 11.2s Replay
BUDDY 100 5 12.3s Replay
THUMP 183.8 4 8.3s Replay
CAUSE 272.1 3 9.3s Replay
JAZZY 48.5 6 25.3s Replay
EBONY 134.8 4 14.1s Replay
GONER 52.1 6 22.2s Replay
MONTH 152.1 4 11.5s Replay
FLIRT 256.8 3 10.2s Replay
CRESS 118.8 4 17.4s Replay
THYME 85.3 5 16.3s Replay
UNITE 161.3 4 10.4s Replay